Blog Writer Resume Example

Blog Writer Resume Example

Though the blogging and resume writing are two different writing styles they spread throughout all industries. But the knowledge and talent in blogging can not help to create a perfect resume. Sometimes the blog writers tend to make these mistakes as they know more about writing and try to showcase their writing talent in the resume.

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Blog Writer Resume

No need to start from the beginning. Edit this resume sample with your information and keywords from the job posting.

blog writer resume example image

5 Common Mistakes Done by a Blog Writer in Resume Writing Process

Forgetting the Social Media Activeness in Blogging

The majority of blog writers are social media activists in their personal lives. If you conducted your own website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn Page for blogging you can mention the URLs of the accounts under the resume header. section without any hesitation. Because that will be a great chance to provide some samples of your creations. Also, collect all the links of your prior blogs and include them in a google document. Then you can share the link of the document in your resume header


Trying to Write a Fantasy Summary Statement

The resume summary statement must be more professional. Also creative words, phrases, and words such as ‘I’ and ‘We’ must avoid from the summary content. Some bloggers try to use their common writing style when they write the resume summary. But keep in mind that you need to compress the best qualities, skills, educational, and career achievements in your summary statement. But never exceed the sentences of the paragraph more than three by adding unnecessary words and information


Writing the Story of Their Career History

Some blog writers are trying to present their writing talent by creating paragraphs of their career history. But all resumes have a certain unique format and even if you are a writer you need to obey it. Otherwise, the resume also seems like a blog. Therefore just summarize the history of your prior jobs as the job title, employment duration, company name, location, and 3-4 bullet points of your career achievements.

Also as a blogger, you may have a variety of experiences of writing blogs related to different industries. But you must have a clear idea about whether you put them all in your resume or not. Because if you are applying for an agency that finds out the best employment for the applicant, you can convey that you are a multi-talented person by arranging a variety of experiences. But If you are directly applying for a certain company such as food-producing, clothing, or vehicle company, you need to adjust your achievements related to that industry.

Lack of Knowledge about the Building Method of Top Achievements

Creating achievements is a kind of journey. Because we must know the destination and travel through the correct way to reach the end. Also, there is a perfect and quick method to create top achievements. But the blog writers just write what they have done before. You need to build up accomplishments that express what you have achieved in prior jobs.

Especially, the applicant must refer to the job advert first. Then can find out which type of blogger that the recruiters are looking for. Then you must focus on those requirements when we create career achievements.  Further, if you can start your accomplishments from a powerful action verb and add the supportive skills, numeric values such as percentages and years as possible, that will be a great achievement. Here are some common requirements to build the top achievements for a blog writer.

If you are applying for a blog writer position at a company related to beauty and skincare products, food, or other product or service that you have personally experienced before, you can mention that in your resume. Though being aware of their products and services is not essential, that will be a bonus that helps you to highlight others.

There is a variety of blog writing such as Fashion Blog, Travel Blog, Food Blog, Music Blog, Lifestyle Blog, Fitness Blog, DIY Blog, Sports Blog, Finance Blog, Political Blog, Parenting Blog, Business Blog, Personal Blog, Movie Blog, Car Blog, News Blog, Pet Blog, Gaming Blog, and so on. You need to find out the specialty of your target workplace and specify your experience based on that field.

If you feel like the recruiters are looking for an applicant who has a wide talent in writing blogs, articles, news, and other various content, you need to expand your experience as a content writer


Messing up the Certification Section

You may have different types of certifications such as language competency certification, computer literacy certification, sports certification, and so on. But you must prioritize them and mention the most essentials first. That means the certifications that prove your language or writing talent gain the top. Then computer literacy certifications. If your resume has more space you can mention other relevant certifications such as sports. But make sure that certifications prove any of your knowledge, skill, or talent related to the writing position.

Not Mentioning the Educational Details in Chronological-Order

Sometimes the blog writers do not have the knowledge that both career history and educational details should arrange in chronological order. That means mentioning the latest details first and past details later. Then the recruiters can understand what is your highest educational qualification. So do not forget to mention the type of education whether diploma, associate’s, bachelor’s or master’s degree, major subject field, educated period, institute name, and location under each educational qualification.

Just Including Hard Skills in a Blog Writer Resume

According to the responsibilities and duties of a blog writer the applicants need to have some hard skills as follows.

  • Documentation
  • Copywriting and editing
  • Social media management
  • research skills
  • Analytical skills
  • AP style writing
  • Project management
  • Marketing strategies
  • CMS tools: WordPress, Wix, Magento
  • Design tools: Photoshop, FrameMaker, Illustrator
  • Coding languages: HTML/CSS/JS
  • Office package: Microsoft Office Word, Access, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint

But the majority of blog writers tend to forget to mention the soft skills in their resumes. You must mention at least 5 soft skills in the resume skills section. Also, you can link some supportive skills to your career achievements. Let’s see why soft skills are more important in the blogger resume


Communication Skills:- The ability to handle the language to convey the ideas of the company and details about the products and services is a must to be a professional blog writer. So the hiring personnel usually expects applicants with advanced language competency.

Teamwork:- Usually the blog writers work as a team. Though they individually fulfill their duties and responsibilities they must work as a team to achieve the product goals. So the recruiters are looking for an applicant who can cooperatively work with other team members.

Organization skills:- Blogger must handle a number of documents, image files, and WordPress articles. Therefore he must have great organization skills to retrieve the data quickly if needed.

Time management skills:- The default duty of a blogger is to regularly update the blog posts. So he is responsible to manage the time for the research, blog writing, proofreading, and editing processes. So mention you can manage the time efficiently in your resume.

Not Considering the Value of Additional Sections

According to the job position the value-added extra section can be different. But the extra sections such as ‘Interests & Hobbies’. ‘Personal Projects’, ‘Publications’ and ‘Languages’ are more effective in adding extra values to the blog writer resume.

Interests & Hobbies for a Blog Writer Resume

  • Book collecting
  • Book discussion clubs
  • Wikipedia editing
  • Writing
  • Book restoration
  • Creative writing
  • Crossword puzzles

Blog Writer Resume Sample (Text Version)

Nora Madison

Certified Blog Writer

+(310) 0000 000

Cooperstown, New York

Linkedin –


Innovative blog writer with 5+ years of experience in informative, and entertaining blog writing in 10+ different niches such as traveling, fashion designing, sports, gaming, food, and beverages. Expert in handling and updating social media and WordPress.

Work Experience

Blog Writer

WebHR – Fremont,CA – 2015/Jan to Present

  • Produced 3+ high-quality WordPress documents once a week.
  • Worked with 5+ other talented writers with providing and gaining relevant details cooperatively.
  • Increased the overall growth of the WPMU DEV by maintaining relevant content up to date.
  • Created at least three graphics for the blog post using adobe photoshop or illustrator.

Blog Writer

Vox Media – New York – 2010/Jan to 2014/Dec

  • Researched and found 10+ trusted and reliable sources to collect the information for the blog.
  • Managed the social media platforms of the brand and increased user engagement by 20%.
  • Handled the innovative blog page that achieved reader satisfaction by 80%.
  • Answered the questions and reviews of the blog visitors through comments or emails.

Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature – 2014/Dec to 2017/Dec

Harvard University – New York

  • Relevant Coursework: General Writing, English Literature, English Grammar, Business Writing, English Composition, Creative Writing, Communication Studies, Communication Technology, Advanced Prose Writing, Copywriting, English Composition, Persuasive Writing
  • GPA: 3.25
  • WordPress
  • Photoshop
  • Office package
  • Research skills
  • Analytical skills
  • AP style writing
  • Project management
  • Documentation
  • Communication
  • Time Management
  • Teamwork
  • Problem-solving
  • Organizational skills
  • English – Native Speaker
  • French – Very Good Command
  • Spanish – Highly Proficient
  • German – Working Knowledge

TEFL Certification – 2018/Feb

TESOL International Association

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