Content Writer Resume Example [Complete Guide]

Content Writer Resume Example [Complete Guide]

Here, we will talk everything about content writer resumes taking a content writer CV example for you to understand better. If you are a content writer applicant who has no job opportunity even though you have been trying, applying for thousands of vacancies, don't worry. We found the best solutions for your content writer resume problems. Be ready to achieve your dream job as soon as possible. Here we go!

Content Writer Resume Example

Build you content writer resume with your information and keywords from the job posting. Here is the Content Writer Resume Example.

content writer resume example image

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Why is a good resume important to your content marketing career?

No matter what career you want to apply for, you definitely need a good resume to secure your job. This is because if your resume is not finished properly, your application may be eliminated from the job competition after the ATS test or recruiter’s scan.

So, having a good content writer resume with action verbs is essential if you want to avoid this and get your resume shortlisted and to get a good job in the content marketing field.

How to write a content writer CV properly?

Usually, the content writers do research to write content for the relevant contexts in web forms such as web pages, blog posts, and social media pages. Usually, the recruiters require excellent knowledge of different writing styles, structures, grammar, tones, and basic research skills from the content writers. This job position is developed with the technology, social media, and the increment of the search engine users. However, the content writers should be responsible for the accuracy and the reliability of the context that he writes. Therefore, he has to do research about the subject and be a master of the subject before writing something.

The candidate has to have an excellent knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), HTML, CSS, and WordPress. A Bachelor’s degree in English, journalism, communications, or creative writing is the basic educational qualification for a content writer. However, the job market is usually a crowded and competitive place when considering the demands for specific job roles . Therefore, your resume should not be common and we will provide expert tips to stand out your resume among other resumes of content writers. You can get more understanding on this by checking resume samples for best demanding jobs.

Step #01 – Make the first impression perfect from your Resume Header

You already know what to include in a perfect resume. But just including those sections into your resume is not enough unless you couldn’t get the attraction of the recruiter towards your resume. So, as a content writer, are you aware of how to get more attraction for your resume?

Usually most of the job applicants use a job title to introduce themselves on the resume. But instead of just writing the title as a Content Writer, you can write your job title as the following and get an impressive start to your resume.

  • SEO Content Writer
  • Technical Content Writer
  • Business Content Writer
  • Creative Content Writer
  • Academic Blog Writer
  • Creative Copywriter cum Blogger

First find out what kind of content writer the company you are applying for is looking for. Then you can write your job title in your resume header accordingly. It will definitely double your chances of getting a job.

Additionally, as a writer, you may produce your content on blogs, web pages, or other web forms. Collect the links of all your productions and list them down in a google .docx file clearly. Then you should upload the .docx file into the google drive and mention the google drive link in your resume header.

Other than that, if you have a portfolio on some websites such as , and, Journo Portfolio that has been maintained professionally and contains your unique works, you can add that portfolio URL in the resume header with other social media accounts. It is important to note that when you add other social media accounts, check whether they have been maintained professionally.

Step #02 – Choose the best from Summary Statement and Objective Statement

There is a general belief that the objective statement is suitable for an entry-level content writer while the resume summary is more suitable for a content writer who has gained a wide range of experience. Here are some instructions to build up your resume summary or objective statement by yourself.

Resume summary

Usually, applicants use a resume summary to highlight their top strengths, experiences, and accomplishments. But before mentioning your achievements it is important to understand the requirements and desires of your evaluator. Then refer to the job advertisement and find the keywords and key phrases that are relevant to the job position then use those keywords to explain your key achievements. Other than that you can use the best action verbs and quantified metrics such as years and percentages to fertilize your summary.

Good Example

Excellent written and verbal communicator with 8+ years of experience in content developing, writing, editing, rephrasing and proofreading for company websites, blogs, and case studies. Increasing the company web page rates by 20% each year causes to award as the best employee of the year in 2016.

Bad Example

I am an experienced content writer who is seeking a business writing position for an interesting salary base.

Refer to both good and bad examples and understand how to write a perfect resume summary.

Objective Statement

The objective statement is kind of an introductory statement about your best skills, working range,  and how you can provide your service to achieve the company goals. Here is a common objective statement of a content writer,

Outdated objective statement

To be a content writer of a reputable company to continue the development of my knowledge and skills.

But nowadays the way of writing an objective statement is different from the common way. For instance,

Good Example for an objective statement.

Looking for a content writer position to provide the best knowledge about SEO and content developing to achieve both company and own future goals with self-studying.

Step #03 – Arrange your work experience in reverse chronological order

Though a content writer has no experience with any company, he can collect a vast range of experience as a freelance writer. Therefore, though you are an entry-level content writer if you have freelance experience mention them under the work experience.

Entry-level Content writer

If you have freelance experience list them down under the work experience section. But you can emphasize your skills and educational details more than experience to stand out your resume. In that case, the combinational (hybrid) resume format is the best resume format for you.

Good work experience section.

Freelance writer – 2015/Mar to 2018/Dec
  • Provided 250+ unique articles for top ten google ranks per year.
  • Got 300+ backlinks from external sites that have high domain authorities.
  • Received 10+ email that thanked for the best contents.

Bad work experience section

Freelance writer – 2015/Mar to 2018/Dec
  • Wrote business articles.
  • Send the works on time.
  • Got backlinks from best sites.

Senior Content Writer Resume Example

In general, a professional content writer has collected many work experiences. So this is the place to list down your major work experience. If you have 10+ years of experience as a content writer you have to filter the most relevant experiences in your career life and mention them in the experience section. Because if you provide a lengthy resume more than one page recut. However, go through the below example and have a good understanding of the way you should list down your experience.

Good Example.

Content Writer – 2014/Jan to 2016/Feb
EcoTech – New York
  • Developed 100+ unique contents for the company website and blogs per week with 5 other content writers.
  • Increased the domain authority of the company website from 5 to 30.
  • Awarded as the best writer in 2015.

Bad Example

Freelance writer – 2015/Mar to 2018/Dec
EcoTech – New York
  • Created contents for the company website.
  • Wrote research articles and gaming stories.
  • Produced fresh articles for product launches.

Step #04 – Focus on Technical skills more than Soft skills

Usually, an applicant should have both soft skills and hard skills that are relevant to his field. Therefore, when you mention your skills, try to mention the most relevant skills to the content writing field and the required skills from your target company. Additionally, here are the major soft skills and hard skills(technical skills) that a content writer should have.

Soft Skills

Research Organization Open-minded
Highly adaptable Interpersonal skills Target writing
Proofreaing Keyword research Good typing speed
Communication Language skills Goal-oriented
Enthusiastic Creativity Data analysis
Editing for style Independence Social media and web skills

Hard Skills (Technical Skills)

  • Basic SEO knowledge
  • Coding languages: HTML/CSS/JS
  • Social media management tools: Buffer, eClincher
  • CMS tools: WordPress, WIX, Magento
  • Design tools: Photoshop, FrameMaker
  • Keyword research tools: Semrush, Ubersuggest, Keyword Planner, Ahrefs
  • SEO tools : Google Search console,  Google analytics, MOZ, ahrefs, semrush
  • Email marketing tools: MailChimp, Constant Contact
  • Office package : Microsoft Office Word, Access, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint

Step #05 – Maintain a Smart Educational Qualifications section in Content Writer CV

The basic educational qualification for a content writer is a Bachelor’s degree in English, journalism, communications, or creative & professional writing. Other than that if you have covered any below coursework from online or from specific institutes mention them under the educational section.

  • English Grammar
  • Creative Writing
  • General Writing
  • Business Writing
  • Journalism
  • English Literature
  • Communication Studies
  • Communication Technology
  • Advanced Prose Writing
  • Copywriting
  • English Composition
  • Persuasive Writing
  • Business Writing Skills
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) writing
  • Advertising, Marketing, and Sales Writing
  • Public Relations and Advertising
  • Internet Marketing Fundamentals
  • Email Marketing, Basic and Advanced
  • Digital, Radio, and Television Communication
  • Graphic Communications

Especially, when you list down your educational details do not forget to mention the university or institute name, the degree program and the date of graduation. It is important to note that if your GPA is below 3.0 do not mention it under the educational details. Because that will impact badly on your image. Other than that adding a description about your coursework is equally important to stand out your resume. Follow the below examples to understand the format of a perfect educational section.

Good Example

Bachelor’s Degree: English Literature.
Harvard University – New York
Relevant Coursework : General Writing, English Literature, English Grammar, Business Writing, English Composition, Creative Writing.
2GPA : 3.25

Bad Example

Bachelor’s Degree: English Literature
Harvard University – New York
GPA : 2.56

Step #06 – Enhance your value by adding relevant certifications

Providing the relevant certificates will stand out your resume and recruiters will be impressed by you. Here are some certifications that are relevant to the content writers.

  • Content Marketing Institute Online Certification
  • Online Marketing Certified Professional (OMCP)
  • HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification
  • Copyblogger Certified Content Marketer
  • Certified Professional Technical Communicator (CPTC)
  • ESL Certification (or other language certifications)
  • TEFL / TESOL Certification

However, when you mention the certificates you have gained, arrange them with the certification name, issuing organization or the institute and the year of the certification. See the below example and understand how you should organize your certification section.

Good Example

Online Marketing Certification (OMC Professionals) – 2015/MayURL – https//OnlineMarketingCertifiedProfessionals/certificate-no-45EFS2664/

Bad Example

Online Marketing Certification – 2015/May

Need to create your good content writer resume? Click on the below button

Tips to improve your content writer CV

Tip #01 – Adding action verbs that are relevant for a content writer

Just building up a common resume is not the path to your dream job. So, What should you do? You should fertilize your resume using action verbs. Below is a list of major action verbs that are related to the content writing field. Feel free to use them as much as possible when writing your resume.

Analyzed Assigned Created
Communicated Completed Developed
Demonstrated Designed Defined
Drafted Expanded Edited
Ensured Experienced Generated
Handled Improved Issued
Interacted Identified Kept
Managed Maintained Prepared
Performed Presented Published
Provided Planed Proven

Tip #02 – Tailor the content writer CV with keywords

Usage of relevant keywords and key phrases has a vast impact on your content writer resume than you think. Because those keywords and key phrases will inform the recruiters that you are a strong candidate for the position. First refer to the job advertisement to find out the relevant keywords and phrases of the content writing position. Then use them while you get across the educational section, work experience, and summary statement. That will make a huge impact on the standard of your resume positively.

Tip #03 – Avoid Buzzwords

Buzzwords simply kill your resume. If you have buzzwords on your resume, there is a high possibility that the hiring managers will reject your resume because the words you have used is so common that do not make your profile unique. Under such circumstance, the hiring manager thinks that you are just another candidate with average qualifications. Therefore, it is always advisable to check if you have used buzzwords on your resume.

Tip #04 – Submit your resume along with a great cover letter

The cover letter is a good addition to your resume that functions as a letter of introduction which describes the major skills and top achievements. The general truth is the cover letter provides an opportunity to communicate with the hiring manager. Usually, a cover letter functions as an invitation to refer to your resume for the first time. Therefore it is better to submit your resume along with a cover letter. That will unconsciously provide a chance to show your writing skills too. Additionally, as a writer, writing a cover letter may be a simple task for you. However, you can refer to the important tips on our cover letter guide in an SAP consultant resume to understand how to write a perfect cover letter for a content writer.

How do you save your content writer resume?

Although you can save your content writer resume in a variety of file formats, we always recommend that you save your resume document in PDF file format. There are several advantages to saving your resume as a PDF file.

It’s the most secure file format to send your content marketing job application.

The format of your resume will not be changed even if employers view it from any web browser or device.

It’s an applicant tracking system friendly file format.

Things to do after submit your content writer resume

Once you are done with your resume, you will submit it with a cover letter. But if you just wait until you get the job after that, it’s a mistake you make. Once you have submitted your resume, you can do a number of things to get the job done, even after you’ve submitted the application.

Write a follow-up email: It is usually best to send a follow-up email a week or two after you apply for a job. This may be a good enough time for employers to review your resume, cover letter and the other documents you have sent. In your follow-up email, focus on answering the question, “why you are a good fit for this job.”

If you take the advantage of this opportunity, the hiring manager will definitely need to meet you. This means that you’re getting closer to your content writer job.

Content Writer Resume Example (Text version)

Liam Oliver

Senior SEO content writer

+(130) 78 9545

Belen, New Mexico

Content Writer Resume Summary Example

Content developer with 10+ years of experience in creating, editing, rephrasing, and proofreading the contents. Awarded as the best employee of the company in 2018 for providing daily article updates for the company blog without a single absence. Wrote over 1500+ blog articles which resulted to increase the monthly site visitors by 1.5 million.

Work Experience

Senior SEO Content writer – 2015/Feb to present

IntroTechnology, New York

  • Maintained website and blog content to increase site visitors by 2000 within one month
  • Provided daily blog article updates without a single absence and was awarded as the best employee in 2018.
  • Researched 200+ SEO statistics and provided unique content each time.
  • Received 1000+ of positive comments on comments section in blog pages

Junior Content writer – 2010/Feb to 2014/Dec

LilienTech, New Mexico

  • Awarded as the best content writer of the company in 2012 for increasing the site visitors by 2000+ based on blog articles
  • Proofread 1000+ of contents and pointed out mistakes
  • Wrote 500+ fresh articles per year for new product launches

Freelance Writer – 2008/Jan to 2010/Jan

  • Created 500+ unique articles for Medium.
  • Received 10+ thanking emails for the best contents per day

Bachelor’s Degree – 2008/Feb

University of Halifax, North Carolina

  • Relevant Coursework: General Writing, English Literature, English Grammar, Business Writing, English Composition, Creative Writing
  • GPA: 3.45
  • Organization
  • Proofreading
  • Keyword research
  • Good typing speed
  • Editing for style
  • social media and web skills
  • Office package
  • Quick learner
  • Ubersuggest
  • MailChimp
  • Google Analytics
  • English – Native Speaker
  • German – B2
  • French – Working Knowledge

IDELT Online Certification – Professional (The Bridge IDELT Online, 2009/Jun)


Certificate No – 5677FES545

More sample job descriptions for content writer resumes with examples

Entry-level content writer resume example

  • Skilled in project management, teamwork, organization, and time management.
  • Engaged with social media and updated from the latest news, procedures, writing styles, and technologies.
  • Mastered in exceptional written and oral communication
  • Trained under an expert content writer to write in different strategies, styles, tones, and language levels in six months.
  • Completed a bachelor’s degree in English and Professional Writing before 3 months before.
  • Worked as a freelance content writer in Fiverr and iWriter from 2014 to 2019.
  • Proofread more than 20 research reports of the high schoolers and pointed out the mistakes and errors.
  • Provided more than 50 newspaper articles as a volunteer writer within five years.
  • Took the membership in Southeastern Writers Association in 2015
  • Translated more than 20 contents from English to French vise versa.
  • Wrote daily articles for the Facebook page which followed by two million Facebook users.
  • Created more than 10 traveling and educational video contents as a volunteer.

Junior content writer resume example

  • Competent in Microsoft Office such as Final Draft, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook
  • Comfortable in using content management system such as WordPress.
  • Collaborated with more than 30 peer content writers, specialists, and contributors to manage different projects in various concepts.
  • Finalized the article applying the alt tags, meta tags, and title tags according to the content and context.
  • Upgraded existing training documentation by using a more user-friendly format.
  • Helped in proofreading more than 50 company website contents, video contents, print publications, blogs, social media, and newsletters.
  • Revised the scope, format, and content of 5 blog contents according to the company standards.
  • Aided to create the promotional and advertising contents of the company.
  • Rewrote and edited more than 20 contents for clarity, understanding, and the readability of the target audience.
  • Participated in content writing training that was conducted online in 2016

Senior Content Writer Resume Example

  • Processed more than 20 independent researches, data analysis to manage global blog posts.
  • Adjusted the tone, writing style, language level, content, and context according to the target group of the publication channel.
  • Rechecked more than 100 articles to ensure the content has published on time and in a proper manner.
  • Updated the content and writing style by analyzing the monthly metrics.
  • Made more than 100 social media contents famous by using eye-catching photographs and relevant hashtags.
  • Hold a proven track record of blog writing, news writing, and financial writing.
  • Received constructive feedback from more than 100 reviewers in different educational, social, and age levels.
  • Produced more than 50 unique contents with high quality and a high volume.
  • Provided 50+ video contents for event coverage, interviews, short-form originals, mini-documentaries, and comedic skits.
  • Supported the other three content leads to plan, organize, and conduct more than 20 wide range of content projects.
  • Balanced more than three aspects such as deadlines, expectations, simultaneous needs, and stakeholders at each project.
  • Tackled more than 10 unfamiliar duties and doubtful requirements by using resourcefulness and enthusiasm.
  • Supervised more than 20 junior content writers with providing relevant guidance to ensure the consistency and the quality of their content.
  • Reduced the bounce rate of the visitors by providing the qualitative content and a complete set of information.
  • Published more than 100 search engine optimized blogs in the company internet marketing blog.
  • Authored the best and most popular blog posts of the company more than 5 times.

Web Content Writer Resume Example

  • Increased the traffic of more than 50 articles using the knowledge of framework development, metadata, taxonomy design, and search terms.
  • Updated the articles once per three months based on the analysis of the results of Web analytics.
  • Increased 10% of scan possibility of 20 articles by reducing the comprehension errors, and updating the site structure.
  • Identified the best content for an effective page flow by collaborating with the usability engineers and designers.
  • Wrote more than 300 articles and blogs based on the different purposes of the company clients.
  • Researched more than 50 fields to find out the recent facts and statistics over the internet.
  • Used more than three keyword ranking software to find out the best keyword for the client.
  • Searched the up-to-date SEO techniques to increase the traffic of more than five websites.
  • Analyzed the weekly results of SEMrush and Google Analytics to develop the organic searching level.
  • Mastered in WordPress; basic HTML, Notepad++, MySQL, and WebMasters
  • Promoted as the upper-level writer within three months for the best performance of the content writing.
  • Expressed at least 4,000 words per day on average and more than three articles or blogs.
  • Reviewed more than 40 existing articles and edited the content of each article.
  • Issued 50+ online promotional pieces and increased the company profit by 10%.
  • Tracked the latest social media content and used them for the organizational purpose.
  • Owned the highest traffic-driving company blog posts more than 10 times respectively.
  • Assisted in designing and editing of the landing pages and lead forms.

Congratulations. With this content writer resume example, we hope you know now how to build your Web Content Writer resume. Want to start building now? Click the below button

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