How to Market Yourself at an Interview

Marketing has become a vital feature for most companies. With the growth of social media platforms, and internet usage, marketing has become more than paper and television advertisements. Companies spend billions of dollars in trying to outdo their competitors and that’s where you come in. As a marketing executive…

Common Software Engineer Interview Questions

Software is the building block of all technology and software engineers, the masters who fit them. IT companies are often extremely selective when selecting a new software engineer because the wrong person could cause the whole team to fail. To answer interview questions as a software engineer, you need to…

5 Steps to Help You Prepare for an Interview

Being selected for an interview is always a good thing. It means that you have a shot at being selected for the job that you really want. BUT preparing for an interview is nerve-racking because there are so many things to consider. Worry not, our guide will teach you five…