
Keyword Finder

Search your industry below and our Resume Keyword Finder
will give you the complete list of ATS friendly keywords to use in your CV

Most Popular Industries

Sales & Marketing


Sales & Marketing

Sales & Marketing

Sales & Marketing

Accounting / Finance

Sales & Marketing

Mechanical and Engineering

Sales & Marketing



Why do we need Resume Keywords?

Modern Application Tracking Systems (ATS) use the keywords incandidates’ resumes to filter out candidates. If your resume isnot getting recruiters attention, this could be the reason. Adding resume / cv keywords related related to your industry will help your cv / resume to get filtered through the automated systems andget attention from the human recruiters."

How to find Resume keywords?

Cresuma Resume Keyword Finder is one of the best industry resume keyword finder in the market. Just search your industry inCresuma Resume Keyword Finder and it will give you a complete list of keywords for the given industry. Additionally you canuse Cresuma Buzzword Finder to check your resume for buzzwords and remove those harmful words from your resume

Where to use keywords in a Resume?

When describing your skills you can add resume / cv keywords. But make sure that you do not overuse resume keywords as it will be harmful for your jpb hunting process. Our keyword finding tool will be upgraded soon to suggest you the potential ways to use the keywords and analyse your resume and adjust


Got questions??

We have got answers

One way to find effective resume keywords is to use a tool like Cresuma Resume Keyword Finder. This tool analyzes job postings and suggests relevant keywords to include for your industry and also based on the job description.

Yes, using relevant resume keywords is essential to ensure that your resume gets noticed by recruiters and hiring managers. Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) that scan resumes for specific keywords, so using the right keywords can help ensure that your resume gets past this initial screening.

It's important to tailor your resume to each job application, so the keywords you use should align with the specific job description. Cresuma Resume Keyword Finder can help you identify relevant keywords for each job application based on the job description.

There is no set number of keywords you should use in your resume. However, it's important to use keywords that accurately reflect your skills and experience without overusing them. Use the keywords as appropriate without abusing them. Also be careful about harmful words / buzzwords to skip in your resume.

Resume buzzword is a specific word or a phrase that the hiring managers or recruiters look in your resume when going through it. Also, those are used by Application Tracking Systems (ATS) which is commonly used in the modern companies

Cresuma Resume Buzzword Finder will help you identify the harmful words in your resume. Just upload your resume and get a complete report about the good words, bad / harmful words and ways to fix the issues.

Keywords should be included throughout your resume, including in your summary, work experience, skills, and education sections. Also include some in your achievements too.

Yes, Cresuma Resume Keyword Finder can help you optimize your resume for ATS by identifying relevant keywords that are commonly used in your target industry. This can help increase your chances of getting your resume past the initial screening process and into the hands of a human recruiter.

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