How to write a Federal Resume 2024?

How to write a Federal Resume 2024?

Different jobs and industries demand different types of resumes. Therefore, your resume writing style matters a lot in landing the job you have been dreaming of. And when it comes to the job position in the government sector, the resume style you use becomes even more important. Since the job is connected to the job roles of the government sector, the resume format for this is called a Federal resume. Here, we will unveil almost all the tips that play a huge role in crafting a winning Federal resume.

Let us dig in!

What is a Federal Style Resume?

From the heading itself, you can guess that it relates to the state’s job opportunities. Same as a conventional resume, you are expected to describe your qualifications, experiences, and skill in the federal resume. But creating a federal resume is much trickier than a traditional resume as the state requirements are more strict. But don't worry we will guide you on how to write a perfect federal resume.

What should I include?

It is pretty challenging to create the perfect federal resume that brings out your capabilities and qualifications in the most beautiful way. You have to ensure the details you list in your resume will make it exceptional and demonstrate your abilities through your skills, experience, training, and educational qualifications. Also, you need to add more resume keywords to your resume.

What to consider when writing your federal resume

Consider the position you are applying for

Review it well and compare it with the experience you have. Gathering all the required information before building up your resume is essential.

Think about the best way to present all the essential details

It will assure you the chance to get a personal meeting fixed to explain the details further to the employer.

Consider the format of the resume

Think of the best way to organize the details. There are three main formats that we follow when creating a resume. The format depends on the type of information, the field you are applying to, and the number of facts you have.

What is essential to have understood before writing your federal resume?

The importance of chronological order

Chronological order in resumes lists the work experience relevant to date, with the current job mentioned first. Chronological resumes are the best if your career has continued and you plan to continue in the same field of work. In this case, reverse chronology is preferred where you include the most recent records first and move down from there.

Available order resumes

Available order resumes are done by listing out the skills you have used on the job. Functional resumes are the best if you are approaching a new career. But make sure not to have a lengthy work history or the number of different positions you held. We say so because they sell your capabilities based on the skills you have gained throughout your career. Do not forget to include relevant volunteer work and experience you have.

Combination Resumes

Combination resumes combine the above that describes your work experience and highlight your skills and capacity. Combination resumes very well provide the most descriptive overview of your career.

The importance of content of the resume

Federal resumes usually require more information than conventional resumes. Please add additional information to all the past job roles.

It's better to use International resume guidelines when adding content to your resume.

Federal Government Resume Format/ Template

Writing your Federal Resume is not complicated as you think. You can access several professional templates now. Below are a few of the ideal templates that are useful.

  • Job reference number
  • The job title
  • The job grade
  • Country of citizenship
  • The full name, address, phone number, and e-mail

Special Hiring Authorities

1. Veterans

2. Peace Corps / AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteers

3. Persons with Disabilities


Make sure to include the details below:

  • College or school name
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP code
  • Majors
  • Type and year of degrees held or several semesters completed.
  • High school name, zip code, city, state, and date of your diploma or GED, if requested.


Remember that your military training may count towards qualifications.

Work experience  

Include all the needed expertise when writing your federal resume. It is normal for federal resumes to be longer than usual. So do not cut out essential facts to try to fit your resume into smaller pages. A good federal resume outlines your necessary work, volunteer experiences, academic qualifications, and extra-curricular activities. It highlights the unique skills that stress and uniquely qualify you for the position.

Study the job description thoroughly and highlight the parts of your work history that match the qualifications listed in the job description. Remember, sometimes, the human resources specialists might not be familiar with your career field. To make it simple for them to understand how your experience matches what is required for the advertised position, make sure you list your experience in laypeople’s terms.

Most importantly, describe job duties and achievements in a way that shows your qualifications. Start with your present position and list all other places in chronological order.

  • Mention if your current supervisor can be contacted.
  • List out the Job-related training courses with title and year).
  • Current job-related certificates, permissions, and licenses
  • Job-related awards, notable accomplishments, leadership activities, memberships, and publications.

USA Jobs Federal CV

Before applying, you must check if you are fully qualified. List all your qualifications and demonstrate that you are eligible for the opening. Avoid making grammatical mistakes and spelling errors. Applying as early as possible is a great advantage and includes the contact details of the referrals. Consider these tips before you use them for the USA jobs.

EPA Federal Employee Resume Sample

The details you need to include are more or less similar. But in this resume, it is better to stress more on the experience in the related field as you need to guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the ideal candidate for the job.

FBI Federal Government Job Resume Template

In FBI federal resumes, highlighting the analytical skills more, would be an added advantage. Because, the nature of the job and the duties assigned for different positions at FBI essentially involve critical thinking. And in addition, the FBI jobs need more attention to detail, communicational skills etc. Therefore, make sure to mention the interpersonal skills, communication, and organizing skills as well.

Referring FBI Jobs Government site will help you understand more on the job opportunities available and the qualifications required for each. So that you could also align your resume to the description and the required qualifications to make it more convincing.

Further we would like you to refer the FBI federal resume guide provided below by the FBI for better understanding of the same.

Having said that, positive buzzwords for federal government resumes also remain very important. Because, they soon get the attention of the recruiter. Buzzwords are usually the terms that are common words used in resumes. Therefore, you need to make sure that you use the positive buzzwords rather than the negative resume buzzwords. And it is reported the resumes that have had positive buzzwords on it have helped more candidates to get hired in no time. So whether you do it yourself or you obtain federal resume writing services, it's compulsory that you double check that positive buzzwords are embedded.

If you want to know if you have used negative buzzwords on your resume and what you can do to fix them, we suggest you try Buzzword Checker and get them fixed in order to increase the chances of being picked by the recruiters.

Also, now you can use the Cresuma Resume builder app as a solid federal resume builder. Try it now!

Finally, these are the essential points that one needs to consider when doing a resume for a federal position. It is necessary to avoid grammatical and spelling errors. Be sure of your capacity and qualifications and list them in appropriate format and wording. If you follow them well, writing a federal resume will be easy!

If you are interested in resume formats, please check this out: Best Resume Formats in 2024 to use for any Job in the World

Other tips

Apart from all the discussed aspects above, there are some other concerns you should address.

  1. If you use any acronyms, it's always better to spell them out.
  2. Try to use metrics where possible. For example, use statistics and data that can be quantified to measure your achievements and accomplishments.
  3. Be honest when it comes to elaborating on the achievements using a proper tone. Being modest may not help you in this case.
  4. Try referring to a federal government resume example/ federal resume format example as a model. You can do this easily by initiating a search on the internet using a relevant query such as USAjobs federal resume, federal resume example 2022, USAjobs federal resume example, etc.
  5. Even though you obtained the best federal resume writing service, make sure you cross-check it with the federal resume guidebook here!