Top Ten Most In-Demand Jobs for the next year

Are you trying to figure out what might be the best career for you? Or maybe you’re thinking of switching careers for your master's, so you get a better salary and want to know what you should study. Don’t worry, help is on the way. Here is a list of the 10 most in-demand jobs for the next decade, that are high-paying and perfect for you, along with an idea of the qualifications that you will need to secure it.

  1. AI and Machine Learning Specialist 
  2. Nurse Practitioner 
  3. Data Security Analyst 
  4. Physician’s Assistant 
  5. Web Developer 
  6. Sustainability Specialist 
  7. Business Intelligence Analyst 
  8. Software Engineering Manager 
  9. Renewable Energy Engineer
  10. Post-Secondary Health Teacher 

1. AI and Machine Learning Specialist

The field of AI has grown leaps and bounds in the last few years. Any job that requires AI knowledge has become essential for the future of AI and technological advancement. So, if you are looking for a job in IT, this might be the field for you, and it pays well too. Starting salaries for AI and machine learning specialist can be as much as $150,000 dollars a year.   

Qualifications you need

To be a machine learning and AI specialist, a bachelor’s degree in data science or computer science is a must. In addition, you should have a good knowledge of programming languages, mathematics and statistics, try doing additional courses in this field. And if you really want to impress, try getting a master’s degree in computer science with a specialty in AI.  

2. Nurse Practitioner

Remember the little something that was a global pandemic. While the pandemic caused quite a few businesses to shut down, it was the opposite problem for the health sector. They didn’t have enough qualified staff. The role of nurse practitioner has grown with the need for qualified health professionals, and good nurse practitioners can earn up to $110,000 dollars a year. 

Qualifications you need

Here’s the downside, you need more education than a certified nurse to become a nurse practitioner. In fact, they are commonly referred to as advanced practice registered nurses. Once you complete your bachelor’s in nursing, you also need to complete a master’s program as well. You will also need to complete a national license and certification before you can begin working as a nurse practitioner.  

3. Data Security Analyst

Everything has become digital, and everyone’s information can be found online.  A data security analyst’s role is to flag possible data security breaches and implement security measures to prevent hackers. This job is great for people who prefer to work from home and best of all you get paid about $100,000 dollars a year 

Qualifications you need

For this job, the most important qualification that you will need is a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field and experience in data security.

4. Physician's Assistant

A physician’s assistant as the title suggests is someone who helps a physician. You’re not a doctor, but you do have to study as much as one. But don’t worry, your salary comes up to about $112,000 dollars a year.  

Qualifications you need

Before you become a physician’s assistant, you need a bachelor's degree ideally in science or a related field.  Then you might need to study for a physician’s assistant program of 2 – 4 years of study before you can find work.  

5. Web Developer

Another field that has grown because of Covid-19 is that of web developer. Companies realized they needed to increase their online presence to attract customers while in lockdown. Web developers came into the forefront for their ability to create an e-commerce space for businesses to continue functioning. Because web developers are so in demand, they can earn up to $77, 000 dollars a year.  

Qualifications you need

The qualifications for this field are minimal. A bachelor’s degree in computer science is more than enough. You can also become a web developer through working your way up in the field.  

6. Sustainability Specialist

With the focus on sustainable business practices growing and expanding, there is more need now than ever for people to work as sustainability specialists. And the pay isn’t so bad either with an average salary of $65,000 a year.  

Qualifications you need

A bachelor’s degree in business or environmental science is a necessity in this field. With these qualifications, you can grow in the field. Working for an environmental organization or a non-profit can also increase your chances of becoming a sustainability specialist as that will give you experience.

7. Business Intelligence Analyst

  There’s an increase in roles for analysts throughout all fields but business intelligence analysts are some of the most sought after. They are often the people who go through the company data and create reports that help decision makers in a company plan the company strategies and therefore are an important role. For that reason, they are also extremely well-paid with salaries reaching up to $90,000 dollars a year.  

Qualifications you need

A bachelor’s degree in business with a major in statistics is one of the best ways to prepare for this career. In addition, additional data analytics courses and training would also make you more likely to get the job.

8. Software Engineering Manager

This is a middle management role. Software Engineering Managers supervise software engineers and take tough decisions when it comes to projects. To compensate for that, they are paid $157,000 dollars a year.  

Qualifications you need

A bachelor’s degree in computer science is essential. In addition, an MBA or even a master’s in computer science could help you in your career but what really matters is experience. Have enough experience as a software developer and project lead which boosts your resume, and you are more likely to get the job.  

9. Renewable Energy Engineer

As the world moves more towards natural energy sources such as wind, solar etc. The need for engineers capable of handling the required machinery rises. The field is highly specialized which is reflected in the pay scale, on average a renewable energy engineer earns $94,000 dollars a year.  

Qualifications you need

As a specialized field, you require a bachelor’s degree in electrical, mechanical or civil engineering to start with and a broad understanding of all three fields. In addition, you will need a specialization in renewable energy for your master’s and plenty of work experience either as an intern or on-the-job training.  

10. Post-Secondary Health Teacher

If you enjoy teaching adults, this might be the career you should aim for. Yes, a teacher. Post-secondary health teachers earn an average salary of $102,000 dollars a year which is far more than your average teacher earns.  

Qualifications you need

A bachelor’s in health science and a teaching certification are obvious prerequisites for this career. In addition, you may need additional qualifications depending on where you are teaching.  

Now you know the jobs that earn the most, think about what qualifications you have and don’t have and start planning for your dream job. Or take a look at our career guides’ blog for more help in finding the perfect career for you. Or if you need resume help, try our free resume building tool.